Sunday, April 19, 2009

The California Convert

I was born, so they tell me, on a hot August 12, in Shreveport, LA. We spent a year in Douglas, AZ between the ages of three and four. Although there is not much that I remember of that year I do remember a bit about being kidnapped. An Hispanic woman took me from the front yard to a home where she worked. When I wanted a toy that a child there was playing with, I started making noise (as I am wont to do) and the woman was told that she had to get rid of me. She had taken me part way up a mountain...she took me to the middle of the road and left me. A sheriff found me and returned me to my parients. From that day forward, my parents became totally protective. We lived in Monroe, LA from ages four to nine and then in Victoria, TX until the middle of my sophmore year in high school. That is a TERRIBLE time to move but it didn't take me too long to make lots of friends at W.B. Ray High School in Corpus Christi, TX. In January, 1968 I got married and moved to ahhhh California! I will, in later posts, tell you all about beautiful California.

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